Embase Study Type Filters (Hedges)

Last updated on March 25, 2024

Embase Study Type Filters (Hedges)

Last updated on March 25, 2024

Study type hedges are standardized searches (sometimes called filters) that use a combination of controlled vocabulary and natural language words and phrases to search for frequently required concepts. Just copy and paste the following hedges with an AND operator after your search query.

General Study Types Hedges

In the table below you can find some examples of study type hedges to use on Embase.

Study type

Filter type

Embase hedge

Therapy  Maximizes sensitivity random*:ab,ti OR (clinical NEXT/1 trial*) OR 'health care quality'/exp
Maximizes specificity (double NEXT/1 blind*) OR placebo*:ab,ti OR blind*:ab,ti
Best balance of sensitivity
and specificity
random*:ab,ti OR placebo* OR (double NEXT/1 blind*):ab,ti
Diagnosis Maximizes sensitivity 'diagnosis':lnk OR predict*:ab,ti OR specificit*:ab,ti
Maximizes specificity specificity*:ab,ti
Best balance of sensitivity and specificity sensitiv*:ab,ti OR 'diagnostic accuracy'/de OR diagnostic:ab,ti
Prognosis Maximizes sensitivity 'disease course'/exp OR risk* OR diagnos*:de,ab,ti OR 'follow up' OR epidemiology:lnk OR outcome*:ab,ti
Maximizes specificity prognos*:ab,ti OR survival*:ab,ti
Best balance of sensitivity and specificity 'follow up' OR prognos*:ab,ti OR epidemiology:lnk
Reviews Maximizes sensitivity 'methodology'/exp OR search*:ab,ti OR 'review':it
Maximizes specificity 'meta analysis':ab,ti OR 'systematic review':ab,ti
Best balance of sensitivity and specificity (meta NEXT/1 analys*):de,ab,ti OR search*:ab,ti OR 'review':it
Clinical Prediction Guides Maximizes sensitivity predict*:ab,ti OR 'methodology'/exp OR validat*:ab,ti
Maximizes specificity validation:ab,ti OR prediction:ab,ti
Best balance of sensitivity and specificity validat*:de,ab,ti OR index:ab,ti OR model:ab,ti
Qualitative Maximizes sensitivity interview*:ab,ti OR qualitative:ab,ti OR ‘health care organization’/exp
Maximizes specificity qualitative:ab,ti OR ‘qualitative study’:ab,ti
Best balance of sensitivity and specificity interview*:ab,ti OR ‘health care organization’/exp OR experiences:ab,ti
Causation (Etiology) Maximizes sensitivity risk*:de,ab,ti OR 'methodology'/exp OR 'epidemiology'/exp
Maximizes specificity cohort:ab,ti OR (relative next/1 risk*):ab,ti
Best balance of sensitivity and specificity risk:ab,ti OR mortalit*:ab,ti OR cohort:ab,ti
Economics Maximizes sensitivity 'pharmacoeconomics':lnk OR 'device economics':lnk OR randomized:ab,ti OR randomised:ab,ti OR economic:ab,ti
Maximizes specificity cost effectiveness’:ab,ti OR (sensitivity next/1 analys*):ab,ti
Best balance of sensitivity and specificity cost:ab,ti OR costs:ab,ti
Embase Hedges by Topic


Embase Hedge

Diabetes 'diabetes mellitus'/exp/mj OR diabet*:ti,ab (major topic and iterations of diabetic, diabetics, diabetes found in the title and abstract)
Blood Glucose Monitoring 'blood glucose monitoring'/mj OR bgm:ti,ab OR sbgm:ti,ab OR ((glucose NEAR/2 monitor*):ti,ab) OR ((glucose NEAR/2 'self-monitor*'):ti,ab) OR ((blood NEAR/2 glucose NEAR/2 control):ti,ab) OR ((control NEAR/2 blood NEAR/2 glucose):ti,ab) OR ((blood NEAR/2 glucose NEAR/2 monitor*):ti,ab) OR ((blood NEAR/2 glucose NEAR/2 'self monitor*'):ti,ab) OR ((monitor* NEAR/2 blood NEAR/2 glucose):ti,ab) OR (('self monitor*' NEAR/2 blood NEAR/2 glucose):ti,ab) OR ((blood NEAR/2 sugar NEAR/2 monitor*):ti,ab) OR ((monitor* NEAR/2 blood NEAR/2 sugar):ti,ab) OR (('self monitor*' NEAR/2 blood NEAR/2 sugar):ti,ab) OR ((blood NEAR/2 sugar NEAR/2 'self monitor*'):ti,ab)
Guidelines for State Of The Art (SOTA) acog:ti OR advisory:ti OR consensus:ti OR guidance:ti OR guideline*:ti,ab OR protocol:ti OR recommendation*:ti OR standard*:ti OR uspstf:ti OR vademecum:ti OR 'vade medum':ti OR ((appropriateness NEXT/1 criteria):ti) OR ((best NEXT/1 practice*):ti) OR ((committee NEXT/1 (opinion* OR statement*)):ti) OR ((expert NEXT/1 (opinion* OR statement*)):ti) OR ((immuni?ation NEXT/1 practice*):ti) OR ((policy NEXT/1 (paper* OR statement*)):ti) OR ((position NEXT/1 (paper* OR statement*)):ti) OR ((practice NEXT/1 (bulletin* OR parameter*)):ti) OR ((preferred NEXT/1 practice NEXT/1 pattern*):ti) OR ((scientific NEXT/1 statement*):ti) OR ((task NEXT/1 force):ti) OR ((technology NEXT/1 (assessment* OR standard* OR statement*)):ti) OR ((white NEXT/1 paper*):ti) OR ((workshop NEXT/1 report*):ti)
Real-World Data (RWD) large cohorts: administrative databases & registries 'Databases, Factual'/exp OR "data bank*":ti,ab OR databank*:ti,ab (nation*:ti,ab OR registr*:ti,ab) AND cohort*:ti,ab 'registries'/de registry:ti,ab OR registries:ti,ab 'insurance claim review'/exp "administrative database*":ti,ab OR claims*:ti,ab OR "healthcare system*":ti,ab OR "health care system*":ti,ab
Real-World Data (RWD) large cohorts, non-specific geographical region:ti,ab OR regions:ti,ab OR regional:ti,ab OR countrywide:ti,ab OR country-wide:ti,ab OR national:ti,ab OR nationwide:ti,ab OR nation-wide:ti,ab OR worldwide:ti,ab OR world-wide:ti,ab OR province*:ti,ab OR states:ti,ab OR global:ti,ab
Real-World Data (RWD) large cohorts: US specific 'Hospitals, Veterans'/exp OR 'United States Department of Veterans Affairs'/exp OR VA:ti,ab OR VAMC*:ti,ab OR VHA*:ti,ab OR (veteran*:ti,ab AND affairs:ti,ab) OR (veteran*:ti,ab AND administration*:ti,ab) 'medical assistance'/exp OR Medicare:ti,ab OR Medicaid:ti,ab HCUP:ti,ab OR "Healthcare Cost Utilization Project":ti,ab OR "Kaiser Permanente":ti,ab OR "Medical Expenditure Panel Survey":ti,ab OR MEPS:ti,ab OR "National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey":ti,ab OR NAMCS:ti,ab OR "National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey":ti,ab OR NHAMCS:ti,ab OR "Nationwide Emergency Department Sample":ti,ab OR "Nationwide Inpatient Sample":ti,ab OR NEDS:ti,ab
Real-World Data (RWD) Disease-Related Event (DRE) translation of FDA terminology 'epidemiology'/exp OR 'epidemiological monitoring'/exp OR 'epidemiology':lnk OR 'observational study':de,ti OR 'comparative study':de,ti OR 'propensity score'/exp OR 'disease exacerbation'/exp OR 'disease progression'/exp OR 'disease outbreaks'/exp OR 'population surveillance'/exp OR 'time factors'/exp OR 'sex characteristics'/exp OR 'surveys and questionnaires'/exp OR 'incidence'/exp OR 'prevalence'/exp OR 'health status'/exp OR 'medication adherence'/exp OR 'cost of illness'/exp OR 'medical records systems, computerized'/exp OR 'registries'/exp OR 'medical record linkage'/exp OR 'cohort stud*':ti,ab OR 'cohort analys*':ti,ab OR 'concurrent stud*':ti,ab OR 'comparative stud*':ti,ab OR 'case control':ti,ab OR 'case comparison':ti,ab OR prospective*:ti,ab OR 'follow-up stud*':ti,ab OR 'followup stud*':ti,ab OR 'propensity score*':ti,ab OR multivariate:ti,ab OR epidemiolog*:ti,ab OR incidence:ti,ab OR prevalence:ti,ab OR 'real world':ti,ab OR 'real life':ti,ab OR 'real practice':ti,ab OR 'real practices':ti,ab OR 'cross sectional':ti,ab OR registry:ti,ab OR registries:ti,ab OR register:ti,ab OR database:ti,ab OR dataset*:ti,ab OR medicare:ti,ab OR medicaid:ti,ab OR 'chart review':ti,ab OR 'medical record*':ti,ab OR 'health record*':ti,ab OR 'record based':ti,ab OR 'patient records':ti,ab OR 'patient files':ti,ab OR prescription*:ti,ab OR postmarket*:ti,ab OR 'post market*':ti,ab OR observational:ti,ab OR charts:ti,ab OR 'clinical data':ti,ab OR 'clinical experience':ti,ab OR 'clinical experiences':ti,ab OR 'practice patterns':ti,ab OR 'patterns of care':ti,ab OR longitudinal:ti,ab OR 'birth cohort*':ti,ab OR 'drug utilization':ti,ab OR 'drug utilisation':ti,ab OR 'drug monitoring':ti,ab OR 'disease management':ti,ab OR adherence:ti,ab OR persistence:ti,ab OR 'cost of illness':ti,ab OR claims:ti,ab OR insurance*:ti,ab OR payer*:ti,ab OR 'treatment patterns':ti,ab OR 'treatment failure':ti,ab OR retrospective*:ti,ab OR hmo:ti,ab OR kaiser:ti,ab OR 'veterans affairs':ti,ab OR 'managed care':ti,ab OR 'pharmacy data':ti,ab OR 'pharmacy records':ti,ab OR 'hospital data':ti,ab OR 'hospital records':ti,ab OR nationwide:ti,ab OR 'adverse event reporting system':ti,ab OR 'natural history':ti,ab OR trend*:ti,ab OR consecutive*:ti,ab OR 'previously diagnosed':ti,ab OR 'population based':ti,ab OR 'population stud*':ti,ab OR 'population analys*':ti,ab OR 'nationally representative':ti,ab OR 'national sample*':ti,ab OR 'national survey*':ti,ab OR 'secondary data':ti,ab OR audit:ti,ab OR audited:ti,ab OR 'linked data':ti,ab OR 'data linkage':ti,ab OR 'administrative data':ti,ab OR census:ti,ab OR association*:ti,ab OR (routin*:ti,ab AND (data:ti,ab OR reporting:ti,ab OR reported:ti,ab OR collected:ti,ab))
Embase: NOT (non-essential) publication types 'conference abstract'/it OR 'conference review'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it OR 'short survey'/it
Cost and Cost Effectiveness 'cost'/exp OR icer*:ti,ab,kw OR (cost* NEAR/5 (analys* OR analytic* OR benefit* OR comparison* OR data OR economic OR economics OR effective* OR efficienc* OR health OR healthcare OR minimiz* OR minimis* OR offset* OR pharmacoeconomic* OR reducing OR reduction* OR saving* OR utility OR utilities))
Equity, Inclusion, Bias filter 'bias'/de OR 'prejudice'/exp OR 'health disparity'/exp OR 'health care disparity'/exp OR 'disparity'/exp OR 'health equity'/exp OR 'race difference'/exp OR 'racism'/exp OR 'ethnic difference'/exp OR equity:ti,ab,kw OR disparit*:ti,ab,kw OR discrimination:ti,kw OR bias*:ti,ab,kw OR unequal*:ti,ab,kw OR inequal*:ti,ab,kw OR inequit*:ti,ab,kw OR disproportionat*:ti,ab,kw OR prejudice*:ti,ab,kw OR imbalance*:ti,ab,kw OR fairness:ti,ab,kw OR underserved:ti,ab,kw OR ((under NEXT/2 served):ti,ab,kw) OR marginalized:ti,ab,kw OR (((race* OR racial* OR ethnic*) NEAR/5 (differen* OR discrimination*)):ti,ab,kw) OR racism:ti,ab,kw OR racist:ti,ab,kw
Review Article filter 'review'/de OR review:it OR review:ti) NOT (cochrane:ta AND database:ta AND syst.:ta AND rev.:ta OR '13616137':is OR 'cochrane database of systematic reviews'/jt OR (meta:ti AND analys*:ti) OR (meta:ti AND synthe*:ti) OR systematic:ti)
Systematic Review/Meta-analysis filter (Qualitative Studies) ('qualitative research'/exp OR qualitative:ti,ab) AND ('meta analysis'/exp/mj OR 'systematic review'/mj OR overview:ti,ab OR review:ti,ab OR synthes*ti,ab) OR 'meta synthes*':ti,ab OR 'meta ethnograph*':ti,ab
Systematic Review/Meta-analysis filter (Quantitative Studies) 'meta analysis (topic)'/de OR 'systematic review (topic)'/de OR 'systematic review'/de OR 'meta analysis'/exp OR ((systematic* NEXT/2 review):ti,ab,kw) OR ((meta NEXT/2 review):ti,ab,kw) OR ((meta NEXT/2 analys*):ti,ab,kw) OR 'biomedical technology assessment'/exp OR cinahl:ti,ab,kw OR cochrane:ti,ab,kw OR ((data NEXT/2 pooling):ti,ab,kw) OR 'der simonian':ti,ab,kw OR 'dersimonian':ti,ab,kw OR embase:ti,ab,kw OR 'fixed effect*':ti,ab,kw OR ((google NEXT/1 scholar):ti,ab,kw) OR googlescholar:ti,ab,kw OR hta*:ti,ab,kw OR haenszel:ti,ab,kw OR medline:ti,ab,kw OR metaanaly*:ti,ab,kw OR 'meta analy*':ti,ab,kw OR ((meta NEXT/3 analy*):ti,ab,kw) OR ((meta NEXT/3 regression):ti,ab,kw) OR nma:ti,ab,kw OR ovid:ti,ab,kw OR peto:ti,ab,kw OR psychinfo:ti,ab,kw OR pubmed:ti,ab,kw OR ((quantitative NEAR/2 overview):ti,ab,kw) OR ((quantitative NEAR/2 review):ti,ab,kw) OR scopus:ti,ab,kw OR ((technology NEXT/3 assessment*):ti,ab,kw) OR ((technology NEXT/1 review):ti,ab,kw) OR ((umbrella NEXT/2 review):ti,ab,kw) OR ((web NEXT/2 science):ti,ab,kw) OR 'bibliographic database'/exp OR (cochrane:ta AND database:ta AND syst.:ta AND rev.:ta) OR '13616137':is OR 'cochrane database of systematic reviews'/jt

If you would like to propose new hedges or you have comments or proposed changes to the current existing ones, please use the following link to submit your comments.

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